Sunday, February 22, 2009

Why World of Warcraft is good for you

As you all may know, majority of employers nowadays are refraining from hiring mmorpg players, World of Warcraft in particular. Friends and family have shunned it and flamed it without realizing the immensity of thought and patience required while playing in mmo environments.

So my response to them is .....


I play an Undead Shadow Priest. Yeah, that's right. My professions are Enchanting and Tailoring. I provide support for other members, allowing them to have a higher chance of hitting their target because of my particular talent build. Oh and I'm in a guild.

A guild is a collection of different players that band together. This collection of players share a common goal while sharing their resources, skills and knowledge. Like all reputable guilds, they require you to hand in an application that is reviewed by the officers and the guild master. A guild requires a guild master who can run the show -- recruitment, evaluation, management, making decisions, developing strategies, while progressing. Shitty management can result in unhappy guild members. Shitty progress can result in invaluable players leaving for a different guild where they have a chance of getting better loot, friends and progress. All guilds have assholes that don't perform properly or are just unfriendly. These members tend to get kicked out and sustain a bad reputation in that server, sometimes forcing them to transfer to a different server or reroll to an alternate character.

"Shit, we can't down this boss. We need certain people to stop slacking and stop fucking up. Quit hitting those void zones and single target that mob. Group 2 to 4 go in the portals when you down the second drake. Group 5 stay out and heal Group 1. When Group 2 and 4 are done, come out and help Group 1 and 5. If we down this, everyone involved will get more points towards loot."

Now let's immerse this in the real-world.

I'm a Web Designer. Yeah, that's right. My profession is to design and maintain websites. I provide support for clients, allowing them to have a website can represent them in what they do. Oh and I work for a company.

A company is a collection of different individuals that work together. This collection of staff and employees share a common goal while sharing their resources, skills and knowledge. Like all reputable companies, they require an application that is reviewed by the management and the owner. A company requires an owner or management that can run the show -- recruitment, evaluation, management, making decisions, developing strategies, while progressing. Shitty management can result in unhappy employees. Shitty progress can result in invaluable staff leaving for a different job or rivaling company where they have a chance of getting better benifits, pay and a desireable workplace. All companies have assholes that don't perform properly or are just unfriendly. These employees tend to get fired out and sustain a bad reference in that department, sometimes forcing them to relocate to a different location or change to an alternate career.

"Shit, we can't finish this project. We need certain people to stop slacking and stop fucking up. Quit hitting the shitter and focus on your job. Group 2 to 4 work on the project when you finish your second break. Group 5 stay out and help Group 1. When Group 2 and 4 are done, come out and help Group 1 and 5. If we finish this, everyone involved will have a chance towards a bonus."


So employers! Do not fear world of warcraft players! Except the overpowered classes like Arcane Mages and death knights, fuck I hate them. Don't hire those fuckers.


Hi. I know what the first thing that comes up in your mind when you hear the word 'Pedomorphosis'.


- Phylogenetic change in which juvenile characteristics are retained in the adult form of an organism.

"LoL wat?"

This means that traits that characterize "cute" on infants are kept throughout adulthood. Like a freaking grown up panda and a baby one. Go look at one. It's freakin science. DO IT.

(And watch this video for more info)

The Science of Cute